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Multiple Sclerosis

Is The Boulderstone Technique a cure for MS?

Yes… and no. Cure implies that there is a drug or technique that can be applied to anyone diagnosed with MS and they will get better. That is not the case here. We teach you how your MS has come about and what you can do about it. It is an education in the MS process. You then have to do our exercises regularly. This is beyond some people. Perhaps a better question is…

Does it work?

This is a common question and it is easy to see why people ask it. The answer is it works if you do. We wouldn’t spend over 20 years of our life working with something that doesn’t work.

Will my symptoms get worse?

You are more in control of your life than you think. There is no need to let things get worse if you heed the warning signs when you are under stress and deal with that stress promptly.

Pete: “Things that might have put me under stress before and triggered off symptoms don’t any more."

Nicola: “In the past that [pins and needles and floor rocking] would have been the start of a long horrible relapse lasting months. Being able to shift it in a matter of hours was nothing short of miraculous.”

Patrick: “If I am not sensible and get out of my normal routine of doing the exercises John showed me, I can feel some leg symptoms starting to come back but when I then do my exercises, I can get on top of it again… you can head problems off at the pass.”

Emma: "With this approach you can take back control; it gives you a way of helping yourself."

Meghan: "I have to make the exercises a priority. It’s so nice to have something to do yourself. I feel confident I won’t get worse now."

Can I get rid of the symptoms I have had for a long time?

It might be very difficult especially if the damage to the myelin sheath is already done. However, many clients report some limited improvement in a variety of physical symptoms and almost all say their overall energy, strength and mental well-being means they are far less bothered by the physical symptoms they are left with. BUT every person who keeps on top of the exercises DOES NOT GET WORSE.

Emma: "I have come to terms with my restrictions – I don’t feel they restrict me in the way they used to before seeing John."

Pete: "It is better to be happy with a limp than miserable with a limp."

What about my stiff neck?

Nearly all clients find this improves early in treatment.

William: “My neck is 100% better.”

Should I come for treatment during a relapse?

You should come for treatment at the earliest opportunity regardless of whether you are having a relapse. However, our treatment works well during a relapse.

Nicola: “In the middle of one of these relapses I came to see John Boulderstone. From the very first treatment I went into remission and it’s just continued and continued.”

Is there any science behind this?

Stress has long been known to be a major cause of serious illness. Studies have shown that tension held in the body long-term can cause nerve damage. We reverse this process, allowing the body to release the tension so it can function normally again (or as well as possible according to nerve damage.)


Our technique treats every person differently, after all they have different symptoms, and so it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for us to set up a double blind trial. The same is true for all holistic therapies. Until science can come up with a way of properly testing alternative therapies that treat people as individuals we shall just have to continue doing what we can and see good results.

Can anybody do the technique?

You have to be prepared to take responsibility for your own health and do a simple exercise – 10 minutes daily to start with and eventually only when needed, to undo any tension that builds up. Most people learn the technique relatively easily and are happy to do it. Some people struggle in the beginning but most get it in the end.

66 Camden Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells TN1 2QP

01892 544381

©2024 Boulderstone Technique

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