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Katharine Boulderstone

I am still amazed on a daily basis what this technique can do for people with all kinds of conditions. We hugely underestimate the power we have to heal ourselves when the restrictions to the flow of vitality are removed. TBT is the best technique I have found for resolving most physical and mental health conditions. For me it brings together the best of my past experience in homeopathic philosophy, re-evaluation counselling and energy work, resulting in a powerful combination that is more than the sum of its parts and is still evolving after all these years.


Adele Rogers

As a former dancer and from a young age I learnt to understand the stamina and endurance of the body and mind when overcoming exhaustion and injuries by using the life force to sustain me.

I subsequently translated this use of life force to teach yoga and yoga therapy to others, helping them find health and vitality for their own body and minds.


After meeting John and Katharine I found that I could transfer my knowledge once more by using my hands and TBT to help others to clear allergies, anxieties and trauma. Illness manifests in many ways and I have found the fate of myself and others change overnight, through no fault of our own, because of the resistance to the life force. 

I have had the pleasure of working with many people, from all walks of life, and tuning into and feeling the inherent flow of life force and the disruptions to remove food sensitivities and other trauma held in the life force. 


There are no limits to this therapy and I am astonished and rewarded daily.

Georgia Morse

What is more profound than to heal? My desire to understand the art of healing has captivated me from a young age and unsurprisingly propelled me into healthcare. Yet whilst undertaking my nursing degree I was dismayed to witness my patients and colleagues health continue to deteriorate despite our modern technical and medical advances. Despite my best efforts, I was not well either. Furthermore my passionate desire to support individuals experiencing homelessness or seeking asylum was hindered by my inability to protect my own vitality. 


Thankfully I discovered the Boulderstone Technique (TBT) which was a revelation. At last I found a highly effective healing modality that enabled me to embody what I knew intellectually to be true. TBT has gifted me with the skills to reconnect to peace and maintain my own health.  It has empowered me to not only continue to work with disease and trauma without succumbing to them myself but to effectively treat these conditions too. TBT is the most effective healing modality I have come across and it’s applications are limitless!


John Boulderstone

I have always known that the closer I physically get to a person the more I can feel about what is going on with them. It is especially true if they are stuck, trying to solve a problem. If someone couldn't find a way to deal with the problem or just if their thinking got a little agitated  I could feel their struggle. Perhaps that was why I became a maths teacher. The difficulties a person has with mathematics are easy to resolve. The solutions are always the same: how to move the person on when they are stuck, keep them on track when they want to escape and stay with them when their thinking gets a little agitated. When people come for healing, staying with the person and engaging my own energy with the patient's energy I can focus on these difficulties until they disappear. Complete health and spiritual harmony can be quickly restored by this method.


John is the originator of The Boulderstone Technique (1996). He wrote  'Living with Vitality', the definitive book on how to get healthy and stay healthy using the life force (published by Findhorn Press, May 2006). He specialises in the treatment of people with Post Traumatic Stress and Multiple Sclerosis. 

66 Camden Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells TN1 2QP

01892 544381

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